Saturday, December 18, 2010


ohhhh guys about 2 month ago, i was attacked by the chicken pox fever.
so frustrated cause i can't eat a lot of food. But,
this is the best die 4 everybody cause u can loose some weight 
and the problem is, i'm gaining my weight
when i got that fever
well guys it is not just my skin texture changed, my face structure are also changed a little
bit. it is look more longer. this b4 my face is kinda round shape.
so, jom tengok sejarah chicken pox aq. haha
ade muke lawak n horror
untuk aq tunjuk.

hohoho i am very happy with my skin b4 the fever. heee 
but... scroll down please.. ":-/

huh! that me! the worst look i ever had! ahahahahahaha thank god it is just permanent 
the grean leafs is "daun bambu" untuk cepatkan chicken pox ni hilang
so the towel is used to prevent the leaf from fall all over the place
i hate to see a lot of mess in my space. hahaha

bad birthday celebration. i mean my face at this time. :)
at this time, it is my birthday.

the semester brake is on! hoo finally have my own space at home.
still in the recovery time

and now... 3 days ago. this is my latest face. hahaha
about a month after this,
my face will back to normal.

so guys. ade ape2 tips utk cepatkan lagi hilang kesan CP ni? hahahaha

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